
A crash on the A9 involving two vehicles south of Inverness is a warning to approaching Highland drivers

A crash on the A9 involving two vehicles south of Inverness is a warning to approaching Highland drivers

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Drivers have been urged to take caution on the approach after a two-vehicle collision on the A9 south of Inverness.

The collision occurred near Daviot around 4:40 p.m. The road was not closed after the accident. Traffic Scotland said the collision had restricted the northbound carriageway, but added that the southbound carriageway was “coping”.

Emergency services arrived at the scene. The Scottish Fire Service sent two fire engines from Inverness to help. They were on site at 16:51, but by 17:19 their involvement was no longer required and they left the scene at 17:25.

It is not known if anyone was injured.

In a speech shortly before 5pm, a spokesman for Traffic Scotland advised drivers to take caution. They said: “Traffic restrictions are in place on the A9 motorway at Daviot northbound due to a road accident. Road users are advised to exercise caution.”

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