
An inspection found an increase in attacks at HMP Peterborough

An inspection found an increase in attacks at HMP Peterborough

However, the report shows significant progress in two areas of concern.

Inmates have now been subjected to a second health assessment within seven days of arrival.

There has also been a significant increase in the number of educational, vocational and vocational facilities where all prisoners are allocated sufficient places for study, vocational training or work.

The report also found that officer shortages had been addressed through recruiting efforts, although too many were unfit for duty.

Improvements in the resettlement support available to men in pre-trial detention were also highlighted.

A spokesman for HMP Peterborough said: “We welcome the Chief Inspector’s review of our progress and fully take into account his comments and recommendations for improvement.”

It said it was “pleased” that the report recognized the “hard work” undertaken to prevent illegal items such as drugs from entering the prison. Also increased opportunities to develop the skills needed to secure employment upon release, the positive impact of resettlement on supporting men on remand and improving employment levels.

“However, we fully acknowledge that we have more to do in other areas, such as improving security levels and increasing access to wing operations.”