
Effective study habits: how to prepare for exams and stay organized

Effective study habits: how to prepare for exams and stay organized

There are few things more anxiety-inducing than an exam; However, changing bad study habits can change this. In addition to having a positive impact on academic achievement, good study habits help reduce stress, increase self-confidence levels and therefore improve performance.

Dr. Neelima Kamrah, Principal, KIIT World School Gurugram, shares essential tips for effective exam preparation and strategies to organize yourself to achieve success.

Here’s how to prepare for your exams and set your organization up for success.

1. Create a study schedule

The key principles include time management as one of the key elements of effective learning. Planning study time helps the student allocate adequate time for each subject or topic so that nothing is left unfinished. First, write down all the subjects you will need to study, and then estimate how many hours you will need for each of them. Whenever possible, take short and varied breaks so that you can study comfortably in sessions lasting from half an hour to 50 minutes before taking a short break.

2. Set specific goals

When studying, you should always set goals, with the goals you pursue being specific and specific to the study session. Avoid setting abstract goals such as “learning math” that are not measurable; rather, develop specific goals that include “solving “20 algebra questions” or “reading chapter 5 of a history textbook.” This way you will stay focused and feel good when you achieve your goals.

3. Organize your study space

Many people will agree that organizing the right learning environment can help them focus and remember information better. Find a quiet place where you can be as comfortable as you want, and make sure all study materials, books and notes, as well as stationery are within easy reach.

When studying, make sure you work or study in a clean environment without too many objects. Everyone knows the saying: “a dirty desk, a messy mind.” This means that when your workplace is messy, it will be difficult to concentrate.

4. Use active learning techniques

Active learning focuses on ways in which a student can engage in the learning process in a way that can force him or her to grasp knowledge deeply. The key is not to simply read your notes or textbook without engagement; you might want to try summarizing it in your own words, passing the information on to someone else, or creating mind maps and diagrams.

Another approach used is known as the “SQ3R” method; it is an acronym for Poll, Question, Read, Recite and Review. This approach requires engagement with the text, asking questions, relating the material to the textual content and using repetition as a way to consolidate the material learned.

5. Take regular breaks

Still, it may sound counterintuitive; you need to take frequent breaks so as not to get tired of focusing on the task. The human brain is easily distracted and goes through various cycles of being active and passive, hence the need to take breaks to stay productive.

There is one technique, known as the Commodore technique, that can be very helpful in learning: 25 minutes of studying followed by a 5-minute break. Short breaks include a five to seven-minute walk or any fast-paced exercise, while longer breaks include a 15-minute walk or any form of exercise.

6. Practice self-assessment

The most important practice to implement is self-assessment to know your areas of strength and weakness. The use of sample practice tests, quizzes, past papers and exams can help a student check their level of understanding of course content as well as exposure to exam questions.

After completing each self-assessment, read the questions and answers before identifying any errors.

7. Stay healthy

It’s always important to remember how your physical and mental well-being affects how you learn. So make sure you eat, rest and drink water to keep your student’s brain functioning well. Exercise also affects stress; in particular, it helps reduce it and increase concentration; so try to do some exercises from time to time.

8. Seek help when needed

If you have problems with a lesson or don’t understand a topic, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for help. Talk to your teachers, peers or tutor to get clarification if you don’t understand the knowledge. Studying in a group is also possible and is productive because when you discuss with friends you sometimes gain a new perspective and your understanding of a topic increases.

Studying requires effort and great dedication to develop. By creating a lesson plan, setting specific goals or objectives, arranging the table or desk and using active learning strategies, you can improve your exam performance and reduce the pressure.

With these strategies, you will be ready to enjoy the success of your study.

Through the above measures, students will be able to adopt a positive attitude towards learning which will, in one way or another, help them change their attitude towards learning and thus adopt new or improved study habits in exams and in the future.

Posted by:

Apoorva Anand


October 28, 2024